The 5 most important points when planning charging infrastructure
You want to set up charging infrastructure for electromobility? But charging points that are not used are uneconomical. How do you find those locations where the potential for e-mobility is highest? How many charging processes can you expect per day and which charging power is the right one?
1. know the inventory charging infrastructure
Get an overview of existing charging points in your area. Use the Localiser tool for your search. Mark fast and normal charging points, for different customer groups. And then take this information into account in your planning. Because if you set up public charging points and keep an eye on the distances to existing charging points, you will ensure a good charging network by distributing your points correctly.
2. take into account the potential for electromobility
In the next few years, tens of thousands of new electric cars will be registered in Germany. But where exactly are the hotspots for this development, and where will charging points be needed afterwards? Research projects have shown that a number of sociodemographic parameters are decisive for this. The core questions are: What is the distribution of single-family homes compared to multi-family homes in my search area, what is the age structure in the area, what is the purchasing power? Evaluate this data for your potential charging points or your region, and they identify the areas with the greatest growth pote
3. align charging points with demand
Studies show that much of the charging today takes place at home. As the number of e-vehicles increases, drivers will also want to charge at work, while shopping at the supermarket or in other situations where their car is parked for more than 15 minutes. Check: what so-called "points of interest" are available? What are the traffic volumes of the streets near the charging points? Where are parking spaces that can be converted for charging? In doing so, see where public demand for charging points will arise.
4. involve stakeholders
It goes without saying that the grid connection for your charging points must be checked - so get in touch there. But if citizens are also to be involved, if the housing industry is to participate and other interested parties, then you will get so much information about your charging points this way that you can make a better decision.
5. take advantage of funding opportunities
With the right location, your charging station has the best prerequisites to be economical. If you then even receive funding, the investment will be easier for you. Check the programs of the German government, keyword "Förderrichtlinie Ladeinfrastruktur". Also look at the level of your federal state for funding opportunities.
If you need help planning charging infrastructure or applying for funding, feel free to contact us.