Gender Equality Plan
Gender equality is one of Localiser's core values and is enshrined in Article 4 of the Localiser Charter, the company's general policy document.
Policy Statement
Localiser is a software company for the automated construction of charging infrastructure for electromobility. As a spin-off from the Reiner Lemoine Institute, which is committed to the transition of the energy supply to 100% renewable energy, Localiser works with the knowledge of more than 15 years of electromobility research. Gender equality is one of Localiser's core values and is enshrined in Article 4 of the Localiser Charter, the company's general policy document.
Our understanding of gender justice
At Localiser, people of all genders work together on an equal footing. The energy and transport sector lacks gender parity - we want to change that! We are aware that there are more than two genders and try to create a working environment and the necessary infrastructure that allows every single person to develop and not be disadvantaged because of their gender or sexual orientation. At Localiser, all genders are welcome. We record concrete measures to comply with and implement this intention in our Gender Equality Plan.
Specific actions Localiser is implementing to maintain and improve gender equity:
Regularly monitor and annually report on demographic distributions within the localiser workforce
Provide internal gender awareness training and events to empower women and non-binary people
Review and ensure equal pay using recognized and appropriate tools
Training and education on gender issues in career development and recruitment of staff members
Allowing flexible working hours and home office to meet individual needs, especially for those who do care work in their personal lives
Open and encouraging communication about the opportunity to take parental leave to all employees. During parental leave, Localiser maintains contact with employees and offers them the opportunity to participate in company training programs as well as substitute assignments. Return-to-work arrangements are based on the needs of employees.
Support for and participation in career events for women and girls in STEM fields.
Provide special educational opportunities for women only to enable them to access skilled positions
Zero tolerance for sexual violence and harassment at Localiser. Employee misconduct is condemned and punished
Raising employee awareness of sexual violence and harassment through workshops and events
Develop guidelines and reporting routines as part of direct efforts to prevent harassment