October 2022: Localiser expands hydrogen marketplace across Germany
In March 2022, Localiser published Germany's first hydrogen marketplace for Berlin and Brandenburg. Hydrogen suppliers and hydrogen seekers can meet and cooperate here. Now the hydrogen marketplace is being expanded to the whole of Germany, so that all suppliers and seekers can find partners regionally and nationally.

After the Berlin and Brandenburg governments announced the opening of the hydrogen marketplace for Berlin and Brandenburg in March 2022, suppliers of hydrogen, such as wildlife parks, were able to connect with seekers from industry and transportation. More than 250 companies are registered on the hydrogen marketplace and the number is growing. Many projects are already registered outside Berlin and Brandenburg. Meanwhile, even players from Austria are represented.
Now Localiser wants to expand its hydrogen marketplace, Germany-wide. Actors from all German states will then be able to find each other more easily, regardless of whether they are looking for or offering hydrogen. In addition to transparency, the free platform also offers the opportunity to collaborate synergistically. The digital hydrogen roadmap is growing, enabling communication and cooperation between hydrogen seekers and hydrogen suppliers.
More information can be found on our hydrogen page.