Helpful tutorials and guides for the hydrogen marketplace
How can I register and invite other users to my project?
In this tutorial we will show you all the steps to register for the Hydrogen Marketplace. Starting from the registration to the setup of your project to the invitation of further people to your project.
How can I network with business partners using the matching function?
In the second tutorial, we explain how you can use the matching function to find potential business partners and network with them. However, you must already have a free account. If you don't have one yet, you can watch the first video, which explains the individual steps.
How can I create offers and requests and how do I find business partners?
This tutorial shows you step by step how you can post your own requests and offers in the hydrogen marketplace and thus find potential business partners. However, you must already have a free account. If you do not have one yet, please watch the first video, which explains the individual steps.
What data can I find in the Hâ‚‚ digital atlas?
This video explains the function and use of the digital atlas. This is essential for the use of the hydrogen marketplace.