Localiser - Your platform for charging infrastructure planning
Charging points and hydrogen:
Planning infrastructure - simply and quickly with Localiser
Localiser is the platform for your charging infrastructure planning. Our e-mobility software helps you find the best locations for future charging points.
Our hydrogen marketplace for Germany helps you find project partners to build your hydrogen economy.
All completely digital and web-based.
Das alles bietet Ihnen Localiser
einfache und schneller Planung von Ladeinfrastruktur
wir arbeiten mit dem Wissen aus über 12 Jahren Elektromobilitätsforschung
auf unserer Plattform wurden bereits mehr als 1000 Projekte
insgesamt planten wir bereits 280.500 Standorte
Localiser ist die erste DIN-konforme Planungssoftware für Ladeinfrastruktur
unser Digitalatlas zeigt als einziges Planungstool in Deutschland auch Parkfläche
5 Facts about Localiser
Excerpt of current projects, partners and customers
The challenge of electromobility:
Plan charging infrastructure for electric vehicles
We know that planning charging points involves uncertain and expensive decisions. That's why we developed Localiser: With us, you can find the best locations for charging points, make the right investment decisions, and build your charging infrastructure in no time.
And: Localiser is the first DIN-compliant planning software for charging infrastructure!

All this offers you Localiser
easy and fast planning of charging infrastructure
we work with the knowledge of more than 12 years of electromobility research
more than 1000 projects have already been planned on our platform
in total we have already planned more than 500,000 locations
Localiser is the first DIN-compliant planning software for charging infrastructure
our digital atlas is the only planning tool in Germany that also shows parking space
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

First hydrogen marketplace for Berlin-Brandenburg:
Search and offer hydrogen
Are you looking for hydrogen for a project or can you provide some? Then we offer you the Berlin-Brandenburg hydrogen marketplace, a free tool for networking with potential project partners. Over 250 companies are already registered on the hydrogen marketplace and more and more are relying on us and our hydrogen marketplace.