June 2023: Localiser signs the Charta der Vielfalt
As part of our work and corporate culture, our CEO Kathrin Goldammer signed the Charta der Vielfalt. The Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charta) is an initiative to support diversity in companies and organizations. Among others, it is also signed by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration Reem Alabali-Radovan.
By signing the charter, we would like to emphasize the diversity of our company and our employees. Localiser's working culture stands for equality, acceptance and tolerance - we are a team in which a person's origin, religion, skin color and sexual orientation do not play a role - the focus is on the individual. Our parent organization, the Reiner Lemoine Institute, signed the Diversity Charter back in May 2021.
We are very pleased to be part of a community that stands for diversity in the workplace.