September 2021: Platform for electromobility enables potential analysis for Germany grid tender

Free Localiser access for companies wishing to take part in the Germany-wide tender for fast charging stations
Localiser is a web platform for automatic planning of charging infrastructure. With the help of geo-referenced data and specially developed algorithms, the best locations for charging points can be found quickly and easily in order to make sound investment decisions. The Localiser platform now also offers the option of performing potential analyses for specific locations as well as calculating power consumption volumes. In addition, a ranking for the 900 tendered search areas of the Germany network shows how economically attractive the respective locations are. The Localiser platform can be used free of charge by interested companies and bidding consortia for the duration of the tender for the German network.
In 2021, the German Federal Ministry of Transport will invite tenders for a nationwide fast-charging network - the Deutschlandnetz. Fast-charging stations with a capacity of 200 kW or more are to be set up and operated in 900 search areas. The project involves either four, eight, twelve or 16 fast-charging points in each search area - and attractive financial support from the federal government. The search areas are grouped into lots - interested companies can apply for their choice from 23 lots in six regions. Those who want to participate need a good data basis. After all, this helps to find the locations that are also financially attractive in operation.
The Berlin-based start-up Localiser specializes, among other things, in providing optimum data quality for operators of charging infrastructure. This makes the search for suitable locations easier and location decisions are made with a solid data basis. Localiser uses various data layers and its own algorithms to ensure charging points with high utilization and good economic efficiency.
As a CPO, municipal utility, municipality or bidding consortium, what problem does Localiser solve?
It is unclear what exactly the 900 search areas of the Germany network look like and in which criteria they differ. In the Localiser Digital Atlas, an exclusive service for users:inside the platform, one can identify which areas and parking spaces are available, where traffic and public transport take place, and which charging points already exist.
Many potential locations are available in each search area. But which one is the best? The Localiser Fast Finder calculates the best locations in each search space for potential operators:inside.
What is the potential for fast charging in each of the 900 search spaces? Localiser calculates the electricity demand in kWh that can be realized at the self-selected points in the next few years.
How do I keep all the information together and document the detailed planning? With Localiser Site-Manager, on-site inspections can be carried out and documentation can be ensured directly digitally. Important for bidding consortia: All partners can work together on the platform for projects.
And which lots are suitable? With Localiser, search spaces can be evaluated and ranked according to your own criteria.
Free access for tender analysis
"Localiser supports the idea of a nationwide fast-charging network across Germany and wants to help the Germany network succeed," say Managing Directors Kathrin Goldammer and Oliver Arnhold. Therefore, Localiser unlocks the platform for the identification and planning of optimal charging points for the period of the tender for all interested companies.
Quick start
Representatives of CPOs, municipal utilities, municipalities or bidding consortia can register for free on the website. The Localiser team creates an individual and protected Deutschlandnetz project on the web platform. After logging in, the project can be started directly.