The international Hydrogen Marketplace
Do you want to search for hydrogen producers and consumers and plan the infrastructure of tomorrow completely digitally? This has been possible since March 2022 with the free hydrogen marketplace. Connect with business partners along the entire hydrogen value chain.
The challenge of hydrogen:
Hydrogen economy ramping up
The hydrogen economy has been experiencing a steady upswing since the preference for climate-neutral and environmentally friendly energy supply. According to forecasts by the German Bundestag, hydrogen demand will be 110 TWh in 2030 and is set to rise to 450 TWh by 2050. However, the procurement of the gas is problematic. Many players need hydrogen, while many players have a surplus. The challenge lies in connecting the players along the entire hydrogen value chain.
You can use the hydrogen marketplace here:











United Kingdom
Our partners at the hydrogen marketplace

Wir sind Partner des Projekts HyTruck
Facilitating the development of a transnational network of GREEN hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) suited for large trucks in the Baltic Sea Region
Localiser RLI GmbH is a partner of the HyTruck project as part of the international hydrogen marketplace.
The objective of HyTruck is to support public authorities in steering the development of a transnational network of GREEN hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) suited for large trucks. The EU Regulation AFIR requires member states to take action and plan HRS in parallel to the ramp-up of H2 technology in the transportation sector. The build-up of a transnational HRS network is a complex process with a spatial, economic, environmental and technological dimension. HyTruck is developing solutions that equip public authorities with the capacity and toolsto elaborate spatial development concepts, provide the regulatory framework, ensure common standards anddesign public co-funding programmes. Ultimately HyTruck works towards zero – emission international road freight transport in the BSR.
Main results
Web-based GIS tool for planning HRS
Environmental and techno-economic model for HRS
Common technological standards
Roadmap to planning HRS infrastructure
Memorandum of understanding on harmonised technological standards
Transnationally agreed spatial development concept
2.56 million EUR involving 2.05 million EUR ERDF funds
Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Lead partner) - more
Ministerium für Verkehr und Kommunikation der Republik Litauen - more
Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA) - more
Vidzeme Planning Region - more
University of Tartu - more
Chalmers University of Technology - more
Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH - more
Localiser RLI GmbH
CLIC Innovation Ltd - more
Localiser RLI GmbH is responsible for digital networking the stakeholders of the BSR countries in the hydrogen marketplace and generating the offers and requests so that we can aggregate this information. We are working on a one-stop store that summarizes the most important project results.
The project HyTruck is supported by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027.
For more information see https://interreg-baltic.eu/project/hytruck/ or follow the project on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hytruck.

Sector coupling on the Localiser platform:
Planning hydrogen infrastructure - simply and quickly
The Localiser platform supports your search for future hydrogen producers and consumers. Plan tomorrow's infrastructure completely digitally and together with your stakeholders.

Selected news from the hydrogen marketplace
New function: Select pressure levels and differentiate car and truck fueling protocols
For hydrogen refueling stations and H2 storage, you can now choose from many pressure levels. In addition, a distinction is made between car and truck refueling protocols.

New feature: European Hydrogen Backbone data available in H2 marketplace
The data from European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) can also be displayed in our H2 marketplace directly with the Brandenburg H2 grid. Soon we will also bind the storage.

Hydrogen Marketplace
Hydrogen-based business models need a secure hydrogen supply. To this end, we at Localiser are developing Germany's first web-based, digital hydrogen marketplace.
What does this mean for you?
We can geo-reference hydrogen supply and demand in your region
This enables you to prepare your regional hydrogen exchange or hydrogen marketplace
We set up the whole thing completely digitally
And you use this data to set up a suitable hydrogen infrastructure in your region
You will find the best business partners along the entire hydrogen value chain
What does the hydrogen marketplace do?
Hydrogen-based business models need a secure hydrogen supply. To this end, we at Localiser have developed Germany's first web-based, digital hydrogen marketplace. The hydrogen marketplace enables the data-supported, geo-referenced representation of hydrogen locations in Germany and in this way makes hydrogen demand and hydrogen production visible. Around 500 companies are already registered in the hydrogen marketplace.

What level of detail is possible?
We know that not all hydrogen is the same. It exists in different qualities - depending on the application, for example in transport or heat. In addition, the pressure level and the ecological footprint are different. This information is displayed and taken into account in the hydrogen marketplace.
Sign up for the free hydrogen marketplace today!
For your free access to the hydrogen marketplace please register here:
*Please log in with your business email address!

Challenge of hydrogen infrastructure and green hydrogen economy: Multiple applications of hydrogen for the energy transition
Hydrogen is more topical than ever. As a secondary energy carrier, hydrogen (H2) is an important building block for a sustainable energy supply based on renewable energies. By coupling the sectors of transport, heat and electricity, fossil energy sources can be substituted in the long term. The prerequisite is the availability of a coordinated hydrogen infrastructure.
When establishing such a hydrogen infrastructure, all steps from H2 production to H2 distribution and storage to H2 application must be taken into account. The necessary coordination processes between the areas and the respective players are correspondingly diverse and complex.
The options for hydrogen generation and production are:
Electrolysis using electricity from renewable sources
Hydrogen as a by-product of the chemical industry
Thermal gasification of biomass and waste
Steam reforming of biogas/natural gas
For distribution are available:
Distribution via pipelines
Distribution via trailers
Gas networks
Hydrogen plays to its strengths particularly in the storage of energy due to the natural fluctuations in energy production from renewable sources:
Natural gas storage facilities such as caverns for storing large quantities of hydrogen
Gas grids themselves can serve as a storage medium. For example, up to a 5% volume share can already be fed into the natural gas grid for regulatory purposes.
In addition, there are a variety of other local storage options (hydrogen hubs)
The possible applications of hydrogen are also diverse:
Applications in transport, especially in the field of public transport, heavy duty transport, as well as in the passenger car sector as fuel in fuel cells
Stationary combined heat and power fuel cell systems for buildings and neighborhoods
Heating and industrial sector with a wide range of applications
These multiple possibilities of hydrogen for the energy transition also pose an enormous challenge. The key questions are
How should the appropriate hydrogen infrastructure grow along with the share of renewables?
What "green" hydrogen generation capacity will emerge, where, and at what scale?
Which consumers will rely on the use of hydrogen and when?
Which of the sectors, such as industry, mobility, heat sector and sectors of material use, will need which quantities and in which hydrogen quality?
How can the different activities for the development of a hydrogen economy be combined and synergies be used?
When and where are large hydrogen hubs worthwhile?
This is where Localiser, as the first web-based hydrogen infrastructure planning platform, provides a fast and straightforward way for all stakeholders to communicate. Contact us today to learn how we can support you with your hydrogen infrastructure projects.
More than 500 companies are already registered in the hydrogen marketplace!
The hydrogen marketplace is constantly being expanded and improved!
Hydrogen offer and search, completely free of charge throughout Germany!
Find business partners along the entire hydrogen value chain!
The hydrogen marketplace and its origins
In collaboration with Brandenburg's Minister of Economic Affairs Jörg Steinbach and Berlin's Senator for Economic Affairs Stephan Schwarz, Localiser has developed a platform that simplifies and completely digitizes the exchange of hydrogen. The aim is to accelerate the growth of the hydrogen economy in the long term.
April 2022
Oktober 2022
Juli 2023
The first hydrogen marketplace for the Berlin-Brandenburg region was finally launched in April 2022. More than 450 projects were already planned and launched with its help within the first few months. The high demand and growing interest in the hydrogen marketplace inspired Localiser to make the marketplace available beyond the borders of Berlin-Brandenburg.
The hydrogen marketplace has been available and usable throughout Germany since October 2022. Since then, it has been possible for anyone to offer or search for hydrogen via our hydrogen marketplace.
Since July 2023, the hydrogen marketplace has been available in ten other countries in addition to Germany: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom
The hydrogen marketplace offers the networking of all players along the entire hydrogen value chain, from production and transportation to the use of hydrogen.
With the hydrogen marketplace, Localiser wants to create a better overview of hydrogen availability and help to find partners in this area. The hydrogen marketplace is also intended to take a major step towards climate protection and drive forward the energy transition.

FAQ - Hydrogen Marketplace
What does the
hydrogen marketplace do?
Hydrogen-based business models need a secure hydrogen supply. That's why we at Localiser developed Germany's first web-based, digital hydrogen marketplace. We can geo-reference hydrogen supply and demand in your region. This allows you to prepare your regional hydrogen exchange or hydrogen marketplace. We set up the whole thing completely digitally. And you use this data to build a suitable hydrogen infrastructure in your region.
Who can use the hydrogen marketplace?
The hydrogen marketplace can be used by all companies, organizations, institutions and individuals operating along the hydrogen value chain.
What is the current status of the software?
Localiser developed Germany's first interactive hydrogen platform by January 2022 as part of the Brandenburg Hydrogen Roadmap. This platform enables the data-supported, geo-referenced representation of hydrogen locations in a specific region and in this way makes hydrogen demand and hydrogen production visible. Due to high demand, the marketplace was expanded beyond the borders of Berlin-Brandenburg to create a Germany-wide tool for hydrogen supply and demand.
What level of detail is possible?
We know that not all hydrogen is the same. It exists in different qualities - depending on the application, for example in transport or heat. In addition, the pressure level and the ecological footprint are different. This information is displayed and taken into account in the Localiser hydrogen platform.
How do I register for the hydrogen marketplace?
You can easily register for our hydrogen marketplace via our registration form. To do so, enter your name, your mail address, the name of your company or your name again in the fields and select your state. Then confirm the privacy policy and click on send. Now you are registered for the hydrogen marketplace and a project has been created for you. You will receive your registration data in a separate mail, with which you can log in to the marketplace.
I have not received any mail after submitting the form. What can I do?
If you have not received an e-mail with the access data within 48 hours, please check your spam folder first. If you do not find any mail there either, it may well be that you are already registered with the hydrogen marketplace and have registered again. In this case, please contact us and we will be happy to send you your access data again. In case both are not applicable, please contact us. Our team will take care of it as soon as possible.
Can I register with the Hydrogen Marketplace more than once?
No, only one registration is possible per mail address.
The hydrogen marketplace is not accessible. What happened?
If the hydrogen marketplace does not open, please check your internet connection and whether you have entered the correct URL. If both are in order, it may be that we are currently working on the hydrogen marketplace, as we are always working on optimizing and further developing the marketplace. You will then receive a mail from us when the Hâ‚‚ marketplace is offline and when it will be back online. If this is also not the case, please contact us. We will take care of your request as soon as possible.
Can I connect with providers and seekers from other states?
Yes, since the Hâ‚‚ marketplace is available throughout Germany, you can also find partners from other states.
In which countries is the hydrogen marketplace available?
The hydrogen marketplace has been available in the following countries since mid-2023:
United Kingdom
How much does it cost to use the H2 Marketplace?
The hydrogen marketplace is a free platform that also costs no money to use.
My question was not included. Who can I contact?
Do you have further questions or could your request not be clarified in the FAQ? Then please feel free to use our contact form or call us at 030 62934644.